Ketosis Diet Basics

Ketosis Diet Basics. What is the Ketogenic Diet or Ketosis? • Ketosis means you're in a state of fat burning. • When you get into ketosis and fat burning, the fat breaks down into what are called ketones. At a basic level, the ketogenic diet is rooted in the idea that limiting your carbohydrate intake and consuming fats instead will put your body in a "fasted state" where it will burn.

Foody Recipe For Healthy 🥗🍕 on Instagram: "Keto Basic ...
Foody Recipe For Healthy 🥗🍕 on Instagram: "Keto Basic ... (Landon Jimenez)
Learn more about the safety and side effects. Ketosis is a natural process the body initiates to help us survive when food intake is low. With the ketogenic diet your body learns to use FAT, instead of glucose, for energy (ketosis).

You will learn what the benefits of ketosis are and why.

The ketosis diet is an eating plan designed to minimize carbohydrate intake while simultaneously increasing your fat intake to compensate for the missing carbohydrates.

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The Keto Diet: Busting the "Fat Makes You Fat" Myth

The "keto" diet is any extremely low- or no-carbohydrate diet that forces the body into a state of Ketosis occurs when people eat a low- or no-carb diet and molecules called ketones build up in their. What is the Ketogenic Diet or Ketosis? • Ketosis means you're in a state of fat burning. • When you get into ketosis and fat burning, the fat breaks down into what are called ketones. The keto diet's main goal is to keep you in nutritional ketosis all the time.


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